The Scriptation Showcase is pleased to announce its 2024 quarter finalists for the Teleplay category! Congratulations to these talented writers and thanks to everyone who submitted this year.
Comedy Teleplay
- Alphas by India Pearl
- Bible Park by Megan Sass
- Bike Gang Tough by Mark Stockwell
- Boobless by Jackie Geary
- Convent Confidential by Katherine Connor Duff
- De’Andre’s Broke by Cameron Noel
- Editing by Vishal Kalyanasundaram
- Fucking Zane by Zane Helberg
- Futzing Forward? by Tom O’Shea
- GORILLA by David Herman
- Hell Online by Loie Plautz
- I FOLLOW YOU by Zoé Mahfouz
- June Schaumburg by Jackie Geary
- Kaltera by Will Kisor and Gage Swanston
- Late Night at the Waffle House by Monis Rose
- Lost Angela by Chris Hendrix and Ava Mauriello
- Mini-Ballers by Joe Gatto
- My Friend Satan by Brett Martin and Ethan Martin
- NAVY DOLPHINS by Ken Rudnick
- No Sex in the Country by Kelly Hannon
- Out of Fashion by Alex Barnett and Camille Moore-Barnett
- Picklers by DR Ransdell
- Places, Please! by Steven Martin
- Shady Glen by Jodi Teti and Steven Stiefel
- SLUGS by Mark Kauffman
- Sole Mate by Michael Apgar
- Strings by Matthew Millard and Sierra Millard
- Stunties by Vaia Zaganas
- Summer’s Holes by Emily Hyde
- The Hermitage by Carly Heath
- The Well-Armed Women of Searsburg, TX by Kyle Schmidt
- Trauma Bonding by Dani Pagliarello
- Twist of Fate by Marissa Ziets
- Wikowski’s by Mike Ross
- ZOMBIE VLOGZ by Alexandre Levy
Drama Teleplay
$enior Care
by Renata Elis Martins
- Caravaggio by Alasdair McMullan
- Care Source by Matthew Nicholson
- Cut Time by Marcus Ostermiller
- Dollhouse by Ian Longacre
- Dramatics by Travis M. Baker
- EATER by Cathriona Slammon
- Echoes of The End by Maria Verbitckaia
- Fractured by Ashely Alker, M.D.
- Hooper by John Kellerman and Keith Langford
- Knockout by Josh Sackheim
- Molotovs by HF Crum
- Past Time by William McGhee
- Powers & Glory by P. James Norris
- Ravensbruck by Dr. Amanda Blanchard D.C.
- Rouge by Victoria Lu
- Skrapprz by Robert Bruce
- Spade by Justin McManus
- Street Knowledge by Greg Sawicki and Brian Miller
- Street View by Anton Schettini and Mark Melara
- The Commandant’s Daughter by Harold Coyle
- The Isthmus by Jeff Osborne
- The Mrs. by Laurie Arent
- The Occult Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Alan O’Brien
- The Order of The Nine Seals by Andrea Nocchetti
- The Overturning Moment by Tom Holowach
- The Proby by Terence Brody
- The Red Scare by Michael Deigh
- The Tree by Kevin Mahoney
- There She Is by Jackie Geary
- This Thing Of Ours by Ben Monaco
- Trigger Objects by Nik Perring
- Two For The Throne by Rae Friedman and Zip Payne
- Unpredictable by Lisa Hickey
- War – Den by Dr. Amanda P. Blanchard D.C.
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