The Scriptation Showcase is pleased to announce its 2021 quarter finalists for the Teleplay category! Congratulations to these talented writers and thanks to everyone who submitted this year.
Comedy Teleplay
- Admission by James Wright and Hammer Jane
Al Dente
by Katherine Connor Duff
- B-Rock by Jamie Nieto
- Bastards by Erin Muroski
- Becoming Mrs. Klaus by Annika Pampel and Jeffrey Decker
- Berkeley by Jay Tipirneni
- Black Men Waiting by John Lowe
- Blue Mustang by Sam Robotham
- Bucky Johnson by James Barnes and Garrett Vanderwielen
- Burnout by Alexyss Robinson
- Cafe Earth by RIchard Eschenroeder and Andy Smith
- Calm Before The Storm by Henry Bender
- CANCELED by Ben Bagli
- Carl v. Ash Cannon Prep by Charlize Unpingco
- Chimera by Michael Epstein
- Closet Case by Jason Myles
- Cora’s First Day by Ashley Parker
- Deep Yearning by Galia Barkol and Noelle Wilson
- Ethel & Sylvia – Pilot by Phoebe Zimmerer
- Exposure by Michelle Aldridge
- First Realm Problems by Becca Blackmore
- Forever Farms by Dana Sayles
- From Top to Bottom by Matt Seiiji Ketai
- Furnichangerz by Boaz Dror
- Game by Erin Muroski
- GHOST HOTEL by Noelle Wilson
- Ghost Light by Ian Mather and Anne-Marie Trabolsi
- Girl Dads by Jim Kozyra Rammel Chan
- Gospel According to Admin by Grace Fetterman
- Home by Bryan Kelsey
- InFirm by Carolyn Bridget Kennedy and Richard J. McRae
- LA Cult by Michael Lucid
- MUNCH by Erin Muroski
- New Bunkerville by Alex Diedrick
- No Homo by Nicholas Gutierrez
- Not Dead Yet by Leah Bognanni
- Pandemic Pizza by Michael Lucid
- Phelandra by Jonathan Marballi
- Pigeoni’s Pizza by Michael Tannenbaum and Louie Aronowitz
- Pilots Episode 1: Chastity High by Ian Mather and Anne-Marie Trabolsi
- Point Game by Wayne Phillips
- Psycle by Neil Stevens and Gwydhar Gebien
- Scooter and the Tool: Nights by Ricky Faust
- She Creature by Maria Krovatin and Chris Krovatin
- Side Quest by Michael Tannenbaum and Louie Aronowitz
- Single A.F. by Tosin Morohunfola
- Some Type of Way by Dara Kubovy-Weiss and Danielle Venokur
- Squat! by Bo Bennett
- Stefan by Ana-Marija Stojic
- Superfreak by Sierra Hall
- Sweet Valley Spy by Sierra Hall
- The Bracket by Gabrielle Estey
- The Savior by Tommy Bechtold and Dan McNeill
- The Strip by Kevin Engelking
- The Sub by Michael Lucid
- The Ties That Bind by Haley Dercher
- The Tooth Fairies by Jordan Van Clief
- The Turnarounds by Nick DiMaso
- They Took My Boyfriend by Isabella Roland
- Totems by Odin Waters
- Tragic by David Vaughn Markuz Rodriguez
- Waxahachie by Mathew Berris
- We’re Not a Cult, Per Se… by Kevin Engelking
- Wolfe Pack by Lindsay Heiman
Drama Teleplay
- A Coven of Thieves by Eugene Ramos
Ancestors/ Descendants
by Dano Madden
- Antillia: Conquest Gold by Jason Todd
- At The Displeasure Of The President by Brian Cohen
- Back Roots by Delaina Waldron
- Blind Mice by Aaron Milus
- Bruh by Brett Stanning and Edwin Zigterman
- Cavalier by Sydney Painter
- Clone by Sara Stockbridge and David Young
- Control by Robbie Brown
- Dahlia by Clare Higgins
- Dean & Delany by Tricia Horvath
- Devil’s Lake by Jay Fisher
- Doomsday Clock by Dena Hysell-Cornejo
- DOX by Annemarie Bettica
- Elysian Falls: The Prodigal’s Reverie by William Mullins
- Everyone Dies Alone by Mad Matthewz
- Faculty and Staff by Josh Katz and Will Dunlap
- Fallen by Billy Mac James DeLia
- Filmi by Proma Khosla
- Final Appeal by John Thibault
- FOX HUNT by Nicole Delprado
- From Capone, With Love by Robert General
- Georgia Beats by Gregory Vines
- Gloomtown by Lyndal Simpson
- Harmony and Chaos by Hannah Lewis
- Hell’s Country by Ben Miller
- Hidden Blood by Seda Anbarci
- Hollywood Luxe by Kara Uranga
- HOMECOMING by Rae Binstock
- Horsemen by Jason James
- Hot City by Kris Hall
- I OmegA by Trina Thornbury
- Imp Perfect by Maria Soriano
- Inflection Points by Peter Andrews
- John & Meryl by Jimmy Prosser
- Kosmos by Alex Blumberg
- Lady in the Woods by Tracy Mason
- LAX by Brit Taylor
- Lincoln File by Josh Price
- Losing Hope by Jad Jacob
- Making Magic by Robert Mellette
- Man On Fire by Vikas Bandhu
- Man-Eater by Kelsey Grier
- Modal by Kyle Jutkiewicz
- Mourning Declassified by Maximillian Whitney
- NPC by Kenneth Pulgar-Vidal
- One Among the Aftermath by Alan Nero and Karlene Previl
- One Federal Way by Daniel Broderick
- One of the Fallen by Khadijah Iman
- Outrider by Faye Upton
- Protection Agency by Mark Marinaccio
- Quarantine Chronicles by Shanaz Green and Simone Brathwaite
- Real Housewives Slasher Project by Sydney Painter
- Red River by David Fraser
- Red Spy Queen by Leslie Lyshkov
- Rocky Top College by Jarnell Stokes
- Scrimshaw by Ted Collins Josh Delaney
- SEPARATION by Mark ONeill and Jonathan Ross
- Shango by Martyn Eaden
- Shenanigans by Monique Greer and Boisha Wofford
- Skip by Michael Merlin Scott
- Star of Siam by Eda Benjakul and Marisa Marchitelli
- Storme by John Lowe
- Strings – Changing Time by TavieAnna Bee
- Sun Woman, Moon Man by Lyndal Simpson
- Sunset Babylon by Trevor Mak
- Sweet Girl by Dawn Cowle
- Tanglewood by Sara Bartel
- The Empath by Steve Brown
- The Fairy Knight by Sam Tracton
- The Great Bridge by Samantha Silvay
- The Great Danes by James Gaffney
- The Kallikak Crusade by Tom Holowach
- The Manor: No Exit by William Mullins
- THE NUT FARM by Warren Clarke
- The Quick and the Damned by Paul Barrett and Steve Murphy
- The Songstress by Kuros Charney
- The Youth by Al Kalyk
- Travelers of The In Between by Gregory Pricoli
- Turtles on a Black Gum Tree by Gary McIlroy
- TWEAK by Taryn Procsal
- Winning by Cherice Hunt
- You Can’t Win by Danny Bernardo
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