The Scriptation Showcase is pleased to announce its 2022 quarter finalists for the Features + Shorts category! Congratulations to these talented writers and thanks to everyone who submitted this year.
Comedy Feature
- 1 SPY 2 MANY by Bob Canning
- 1-800-BAD-GUYS by Steven Fisher
- A Girl’s Guide to Vampirism by Jack Aupperle
- A Ravenous Man by CK Eastman
- ANGST IN MY PANTS by Leslie Thomas
- Bingo Hollabouth by Francesco Capussela
- Christmas in Cryonis by Molly Bandt
- Christmas Sketch by Gloria Miller
- Cookieface by ELLEN Gerstein
- CRIME WAVE by Tammy Klembith and George Klembith
- Cursed Fortune by Mike Bianco
- Death Death by Marissa Ruben
- Doctor Detective by Emilio Santín
- Elmer’s Diner by Samuel Edwards
- Fighting Sara by Mary Lee Miller
- Finding Mordechai by Desmond Ngai
- Ghosties by Julie Sharbutt
- GIF Corp by Ryan Schorman
- Greeetings!!! by William Stephen Major
- Hack Need by David Schroeder and Christopher Jackson
- Incredibull by Ruben Estremera and Gregory Wolk
- Killer Eclectic by Henry Farleo and Zachary Bellus
- Kookaburra Laugh by Georgia Adams
- Leaving L.A. by Jon Davis
- Madden by Wayne Phillips
- Made In Mexico by Patrice Moreaux
- Mary Mary Quite Contrary by Kevin Brunner
- Mina’s Deathstination Wedding by Oliver Wharton
- Nisha’s Second First Kiss by William Taylor
- Off Color by Tapan Sharma
- Organ Donor by Rustin Jarrell
- PENELOPE’S WAR!! by Nancy “Sunny” Ellis and Marc L. Ellis
- Pet Earthling by David Hundsness
- Red Letter Days by Marc Ketchem
- Remote by Ruben Estremera and Gregory Wolk
- Rescue Dogs by Luke Cartwright
- SAVING LOVE by Tammy Klembith and George Klembith
- Shiner! by Kevin Pacey
- Side Effects May Vary by Donald McQuade and Matthew Barnette
- Speak English by Kieran Angelini
- Stage People by Teddy Fischer
- Star 69 by Michael Jacobs
- Sweet Poison by Guillaume Banniard and Mathilde Lemaire
- The Art and Beauty of Miserable Bastards by Marilyn Jacovsky
- The Christmas Spirit by Christopher Foley
- The Comeback by Maurice Hicks
- The Dance of Shiva by Max Perlick
- The Dumbfounded by CK Eastman
- The Easel by Eric Feuer
- The First Michael by Michael Buonocore
- The Magic Tale by Paty Hanna
- The New Genie by Gabriel Vazquez
- The Protagonist by Giani Gates
- The Undeathable Dead Dudes by Winston Han
- Thug by Jeremy Ma
- Time And Space by Steven Prowse
- Too Bad to Be A Hero by Emeka Obika
- TRAPPED IN PLAIN SIGHT (aka THE PUZZLE) by Tammy Klembith and George Klembith
- Tsunamisaurus by Kai Kido
- Two Steps Back by Rory Torres
- Where You Fall by Kathy Dunnehoff
- Willa Cather Would Not Approve by David-Matthew Barnes
- Witness Protection by Maxwell Lamkin
- Yog by Joshua Kravitz
Drama Feature
- 24-Hour Doorman by Ruben Estremera, Gregory Wolk
- 45 RPM by Joseph O’Keefe
- A Family Affair by Kate Ginna
- A Possession for All Time by Charles Kaufmann
- A Virtuous Son by Garth Morgan
- A Voyage to Forgiveness by Anthony Greenstone
- A War in the Mind of God by Jeremy Mayer
- Abyssinia Steel by Tej Rae and Yonas Gorfe
- Another One, Darling by Alec Gutherz
- Any Other Life by Josie Martineaux, Ri Versteegh
- APACHE by Adam Seidel
- As Time Goes By by Jon Davis
- Babelsberg by Jon Davis
- Back in the High Life by Larry Collins
- Beacon Beyond the Bay by Bryan Regan and Chen Zhen
- Beneath The Underdog by S. Wilbur Frazier
- Bingo Hollabouth by Francesco Capussela
- Blow Out the Light by Robert Ruffin and James Robinson, JR
- Blue Light by Caleson Sexson
- Boston, 1854 by Nate Washburn
- Brotherly Hate by Ruben Estremera and Gregory Wolk
- Cadenza by Alicia Grill
- Call Me Thor by Jamie Campbell
- Camp for the Abused by Alan Maki
- Can’t Turn Back by Amy Kinzer
- Chicken Tenderized by Bonnie Ilyse Tunick
- Close by Kristen Wade
- Close To You by J. Rapier
- Cochise Emergency by Leonard Meenach
- Crabs In A Mother F*cking Bucket by Kari Mote
- Crazy Girl by Amy Haeussler
- Crazy Like Me by Ben Colonomos
- Crescent by Ryan Owens
- Crocodile Hunters by Ryan Owens
- Dahlia by Kyle Berlin
- Damned Troublemakers by Ty Bradford
- Dead Bloodline by Ruben Estremera Gregory Wolk
- Dead Man’s Hand by Austin Ellsworth
- Death Cute by Alex Watson
- Descent by Laura Lynott
- Devil’s Breath by David McClendon
- Disco Rave Attack by Daniel Pappas
- Ella & Marilyn by Jon Davis
- ÉLUCIA’S GARDEN by Sarah Bertozzi
- Emery by Cate Carson
- Ephemeral Chaos by Kyle McCoy
- Etta, At Last by Robert Ruggeri
- Extended Family by Rick Jones
- Farewell to Berlin by Michelle Salmon
- Fateville by Gary Blackwood
- First Comes Death by Christopher Goodenough
- Five Fathers by Aron Flasher
- Flying Out by James Page
- For Later Times by Miguel Ramirez
- FREIGHT by Emily Sheehan and Andrea Sheehan
- Friendship, Honor, and Murder by Giacomo Giammatteo
- FULL CONTACT by Dave Kraft
- Gang of One: Hurricane Ron by CJ Hatch
- Genesis by Piotr Zawiślak
- Ghostboy by Robert Kelly McAllister
- Gun-Shy Crazy by William Baroo
- Hacker Fairies by Larissa Kruesi
- Half the World by Setareh Esfehani
- Handhaven by Kristen Wade
- Her Family by Grant Newcomb Henderson
- Heroes, Just For One Day by Salvatore Riggio
- High Sierra by Kathryn Cehrs
- Highgate by A.M. Khalifa
- Homestead by Lynwood Shiva Sawyer
- Hunter And The Giant by B S Allen
- I Want to Fly Where Monarchs Fly by Kevin Brunner
- If You Blink, You Might Miss It. by Devisha Todman
- Inordinate Instincts by Vatisha King
- Internal Security by Stefan Alexander
- TIME PIECE by Brett Stanning and Evlampia Papadopoulos
- James Clyde and the Diamonds of Orchestra by Colm McElwain
- Just The Right Amount Of Wrong by Larry Dean Hulse
- Las Excavadoras (The Diggers) by Michael Baker and Javier Ortiz
- Last Flight From Kabul by Joshua Keller Katz
- Lessons in Gravity by Sam Ellis
- Life On The Run by Andrew Fuhr
- Lifesaver by Avery Looser
- Light in Darkness by Chris Heller
- Like Something Personal by Charlie Anderson
- Lost in Control by Maria Massei-Rosato
- Love Unrest by Flora-Jewel Carter
- lovebug by Blake Kaiser
- Lovers of Darkness by Eduardo Soto-Falcon
- Maggie Noir by Eliza Donovan
- Mandy’s Gone by Kamila Stopyra
- Marcel by David Soll
- Meetings With Marty by Gregor Nicholas
- Moe Norman by Todd Korgan
- Mosshart by Alec Gutherz
- Nivek by Kevin Luna
- Nobody’s Heroes by Michael Elliott
- Oilman by Matt Lowerre
- ORIGIN by Will Macduff
- OUT/BREAK by Tapan Sharma
- Ovum by Cidney Hue and Shunori Ramanthan
- Playing with Dolls by Kevin Brunner
- Pustka by Edel Dmytro Oksamyt
- Recitation by Courtney Froemming
- Redemption by Paul Sokal
- Reformation by Stefan Alexander Mannes and Stephen Morgan-MacKay
- Rhythm in Blues by Tamika Guishard
- Riding with Charlie by Shintaro Ogai
- Rough Point by Louis Lehrman
- Running Quarter by William Machin
- Sammy-Verse by John Houston
- SATORI by Peter Kaufman
- Saving Grace by Thomas Duffy
- Seraphim’s Miracle by JB Storey
- Sharp Tongue Devil by Adrian Munro and Ian Malone
- She’ol by Joel Gregoire
- Shine Your Eyes by Clint Pearson
- Shishazomba by James Langston
- Silarius by Jacob Gamble
- Skull Rock by Laura Rauh
- Something for Dr. Thode by William Birney
- Steph by Oksana Prysiazhniuk
- STOCK by Jo-Ann McClean
- Superman Never Saved Normandy by Michael Felix
- Tackle & Bait by Genevieve McDevitt
- TAKEDOWN by Mark Cooper
- TARO: Legend of Japan by Blue Spruell
- Team Yankee by HW Coyle
- The Battleground State by Monte Silver
- The Big Payback by John Konevich
- The Choice by Roger Walker
- The Dame by Everett Fox
- The Decision by Paul Sokal
- The Devil and Dick Gregory by Sean Slater
- The Devil in the Attic by Brian Rector
- The Folksinger by John Low
- The Forbidden Edge by Kevin Brunner
- The Forgotten Playground by Mary DiGennaro
- The Fragrance of Ash by Micheal Eastman
- The Gemstone Murders by Amy Garson
- The Guns at Cowra by Vir Srinivas
- The Heroine of Wrangel Island by Aaron Michael Bailey
- The Key of Be by Rich Kenney
- The King of L.A. by Timothy Malone
- The Locker by Joseph Bologna
- The Music We Once Shared by Harrison Fowler
- The Passion of Pauli Murray by Sean Slater
- The Persistence of Memory by Sid Bodalia
- The Place Between Our Lives by Clay Callender and David Ellard
- The Prosecution by Vir Srinivas
- The Shadow Falls by Clay Callender
- The Stuff of Dreams by Michael Rupp
- The Summer We Ran by Bill Taylor
- The Technology of Truth by John Berens and K. Andra Larson
- The Trail by Kyle Griffin
- The Traveloguer by Kevin O’Murchu
- The Unseen by Shiva Ramanathan
- The Vairocana by Jason Jacobson and Michelle Trantina
- The Wicked Die Well by Jeff Gittel
- This Too Shall Pass by Rob Grant
- Thunderstorm by Maria Mathis
- Time, Space & the Poet – Part Two by John Turner
- Time, Space, And The Poet by John Turner
- To Kill Your Friends by Roberto Carmona
- Too Many Mornings by Carolyn Miller
- Too Much Toad by David W Hughens
- Train Wreck by Nate Briggs
- Transfiguration by Ethan Bartlett
- Travelin’ Free by William Shankle
- Trollstigen by Ruben Estremera and Gregory Wolk
- Uncle Nagorny by Stephen Curran
- Unconditional by Jessica Mastro
- Underground by Kelly Beck-Byrnes
- Unsatisfied by Evan Greenberg
- Virgins Of Volleyball by Christine Trageser
- Wake Me When You Leave by Elisa Donovan
- When is Now by Luke Stanaway and Adam Lehnert-Spalding
- Who Was Cary Grant? by Jon Davis
- Who’s Esther? The Nesting Dolls by Craig Metts and Colleen Metts
- Wilbur’s Way by Kevin Staake
- Wire Hangers by Jon Davis
- Women’s Game by Gary Blackwood
- Work in Progress by Jeremy Nork
- World Left Blind by Patrick Gallagher
- XY-113 by Ivan Bukta
- You Gotta Touch The Dead by Ivan Scandola
- 5 Down by James Wright and Jane Blackburn Hammer
- A Kid Named Leslie by Lexx Truss
- A long road ahead by Bernhard Riedhammer
- A Package of Dreams by Bradley Look
- A Safe Space by Kayje Nogue
- A Song for Cassandra by Ashley Sengstaken
- Against Interpretation by Phil Vengrinovich
- Age of Consent by Katherine Gauthier
- Anti-Social by Kyle Cassie
- Between Two Lives by Rebecca Gray
- Blitzkrieg by Matt Curtsinger
- BODIES by Adam Linhares
- Changes by Martyn Eaden
- Contact 360 by Matthew Domenico
- Content by Diego Martin
- Cosmic Abyss by Jocsan Hernandez
- Dave’s Lucky Day by Kevin R. Fintland
- Dominum Nostrum Satanas by Leonard McGill
- Favors by Michael Kaplan
- Final Act by Juan Munoz
- Finding Mr. Reich by Brandon Bacall Tehrani
- FUN FACT by Quinn Katherman
- Ganache by Rebecca Leigh
- Genre Flick by Thom Hilton
- Harold, Electra and our Lord, David Attenborough by Kirsty Zane
- Honey by Lauren Certo
- It’s a Sunday by Mark Flehmer
- Karis by Rob Innes
- Kate’s Ballad by Rory O’Connor
- Keychains by Mehran Jafari
- Liquidity Influx by Sage Godrei
- Man Up Fairy Dust by Christopher Schwartz
- Me, Myself & I by Ying Chen
- Nightfall by Matt Curtsinger
- Pancake Skank by Sav Rodgers
- Pistachio by Dorothy Nguyen
- Plate by Tamika Guishard
- Playgrounds by Beau Blanchard
- Red Wine by Obakeng Mokote
- Say Something by Chelsea M Matthews
- Shaolin Shabbat by Brian Cohen
- Shell Game by Matt Curtsinger
- Slashr by Amir Moini
- Stand-In Santa by Stephen Roth
- Stranded by Kevin Machate
- Stuck by Adam Swimmer
- Survive The Night by Richard Hohenrath
- SWEET DREAMS by Gary Alvarez
- Syrriknosis by Julie Cohn
- Telethon: The Quest to Save Grease 2’s Reputation by Sav Rodgers
- The Balloon by Bryan Campbell
- The Lady Juliana by Hallie Stephenson
- The Lonely Cocodragon by Lynwood Shiva Sawyer and Keri Todd
- The Lost Camp by Connor Etter
- The National by Cris Manliclic
- The Sea is Calling by Rob Innes
- The Teenage Widow by Hannah Chapman
- Tiny Caskets by Mark Rosen
- Tonight You Belong to Me by Anthony M Gomez
- Unbound by Tavis Doucette
- Uncomfortable Conversations by Giovanni James Bertoia
- Underculture by Tomisin Atobatele
- Urdr by Elise Salomon
- Vampires Welcome by Hannah Swayze
- Vinyl Taped Mary Jane by Angel Hilson
- Wandering Man by Dakota Cripe and Joshua Mulder
- We Call Them Zombies by Lonnie Ray Atkinson
- Welcome to the Stage… by Kyle Chu and Roisin Isner
- What’s Deserved by Grace Elsie
- What’s the worst that can happen? by Joseph Michael Leone
- WITCHCRAFT by Jeffrey Sheu
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